The fruits for our Acerola fresh plant juice grow in northeast Brasil on sandy soil and on trees which are up to 5 meters high - of course in organic cultivation. Acerola is one the fruits with the highest vitamin C levels in the world, it contains 30 times more vitamin C than lemons. Acerola pure fresh plant juice is also suitable for people who are allergic to citrus fruits. Compared to synthetically produced vitamin C the acerola fruit contains other substances in a unique natural composition. This natural composition, according to today's knowledge, increases the cell-protecting effect of the vitamin C. As the human body cannot produce vitamin C itself, it depends on a sufficient external supply. Under certain circumstances (e.g. common cold, pregnancy and lactation, stress and smoking) the need of vitamin C increases. Vitamin C participates in:
- a normal function of the immune system
- protecting the cells from oxidative stress
- a normal energy metabolism
- the reduction of tiredness and fatigue
- a normal function of the nerve system
- increase of iron absorption.
Due to natural processes, flocculations and sediments can be formed in the fresh plant juices as well as colour differences and turbitiy. These natural processes do not affect the quality and effect of the product at all. Every batch has its own character, differences in taste are therefore possible and completely natural.