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Lampe de sel Medium

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These Salt Crystal Lamps are ethically harvested from the geological range of the Himalayan Mountains, where salt deposits were formed millions of years ago.* Each lamp is handcrafted with care, resulting in its unique and beautiful form. These lamps naturally produce negative ions, which help clean and purify the air.* Ions are small electrically charged particles contained in the air we breathe. Other natural ion producers are trees and waterfalls. These lamps are helpful for people suffering from asthma and/or upper respiratory problems by reducing the amount of airborne bacteria and dust.* Also, in today’s society we are bombarded with electromagnetic frequencies from televisions, microwaves and computer monitors. These producers of electromagnetic fields create excessive amounts of positive ions that can be neutralized by the negative ions emanating from the lamps. As well, the soothing colours of the lamps can have a positive effect on the body and mind. Thanks to scientific research, it is well established that salt crystal lamps have biophysical characteristics with a positive effect on our well being.

Helps clean and purify the air
Reduces electro-magnetic pollution
Known to improve mood and concentration
Helpful for asthma and upper respiratory problems
Has a soothing and calming effect
Reduces fatigue
Assists with natural healing processes