We often think of cholesterol as being harmful, but the truth is that our bodies need an adequate amount of it to function. Cholesterol is used as a building block to make everything from the walls of our cells to important hormones like estrogen, testosterone, and cortisol. It is essential for the production of Vitamin D, which we need to build and maintain strong bones. It is also a central component of bile, which allows us to break down and digest fats from food.
However, the typical North American diet contains far too many foods that increase our cholesterol levels above and beyond what our bodies can use. Excess total cholesterol and LDL “bad” cholesterol will stick to the walls of our blood vessels, narrowing the space for blood to flow. This prevents oxygen and nutrients from reaching vital organs. Most dangerously, it can prevent oxygen from getting to the heart or brain, increasing our risk for heart attack and stroke.
Having high cholesterol is like having construction along a busy highway that narrows lanes and slows down traffic. If the construction closes the highway altogether, we never make it to our destination and there are negative consequences. This is what happens when cholesterol narrows our blood vessels and blocks blood flow to major organs: oxygen and nutrients don’t make it to their destination, and it results in organ and tissue damage.
A reduction in total cholesterol and LDL “bad” cholesterol levels, and an increase in HDL “good” cholesterol levels directly results in a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, so it is vital that we achieve healthy levels of cholesterol.
CHOLESTO-LESS, is formulated to lower total cholesterol and LDL “bad” cholesterol and raise HDL “good” cholesterol to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. It also supports overall cardiovascular health with the addition of the powerful antioxidant, ubiquinol (Active CoQ10). Having healthy cholesterol levels supports cardiovascular health, helping to prevent life-threatening illnesses such as heart attack and stroke.