Best Women’s Health Supplements in Canada
Women’s health is a lot different than say, men’s health. Both are equally important, obviously, but save for a few common points that are more related to our shared structure and biology, the rest of it varies a lot. So much so, that the supplements and dietary intakes for both men and women are considerably different, and this brings us to a very important topic: women’s health supplement. As explained beforehand, the dietary needs of a woman are vastly different from that of men, which is why, in this blog post, we will look at the best women’s health supplements in Canada that suit a variety of lifestyles and dietary requirements for women.
Whether you are a working woman with a hyperactive lifestyle, or a stay-at-home mum of little kids with little physical activity, or belong to any demographic that women find themselves in, the health supplements they require will focus on the essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins that help them maintain their body, complete their dietary requirements without having to gobble down more food, and ensure that their physiology receives all the advantages it needs in the form of good nutrition. This is the best women’s health supplement in Canada, by a long shot.
But first, lets look at what makes women’s health supplements such a crucial requirement for women looking to lead a healthy life without any issues at all.
Women’s Health Supplements: Why are They Crucial?
Women’s health is considerably different than the requirements for men. That much has been established. Because their physiology is rather different than men, therefore, their dietary requirements are also much different. Lets look at some of the common dietary deficiencies for women which affect their body and their health more than anything else.
Low iron results in low energy levels, breathlessness, and muscle fatigue. Anaemia is commonly associated with iron deficiency, and is particularly common in menstruating, pregnant and breastfeeding women. The prevalence of iron deficiency is why iron tablets for women are so popular. Women aged 19-50 need around 18mg iron every day. The best absorbed source is haem iron, from red meats. However, other dietary sources include spinach, kidney beans and some fortified cereals. For women who don’t think they are getting enough iron in their diet, a daily iron supplement can be a great option.
Vitamin D
It is well known that many people in Canada are at risk of vitamin D deficiency. This nutrient is vital for proper calcium absorption and healthy bones, plus low levels of vitamin D could result in an increased risk of infection, low mood and increased joint pain. It is difficult to get vitamin D from the diet (although oily fish, red meat and egg yolks do provide a source), so many women would probably benefit from adding in a supplement.
Vitamin K2
Vitamin K2 is less well known than vitamin D, but no less important! K2 is one of the best vitamins for women, because it is shown to be vital in both bone health and heart health. Unfortunately it is very difficult to get K2 from the diet unless a specialist, fermented soybean product known as Natto is consumed. The human body can make vitamin K2 if we eat enough vitamin K1, which means lots of greens, but again, it may be better to look for a supplement.
B Vitamins
The collection of nutrients in the ‘B Vitamin’ family have been widely studied and accepted as supportive for those suffering with PMS, and vitamin B6 specifically has a health claim for supporting hormonal balance. There is also strong evidence that B6, B12 and Folic Acid (less commonly known as B9) play an important role in bone and heart health. They are thought to provide this benefit by reducing the amount of a substance called homocysteine in the body – elevated levels of which have been linked to an increased risk of dementia, heart disease, stroke and thinning bones. Finally, B vitamins important energy production and normal psychological function.
All in all, the B Vitamins are ‘must have’ daily vitamins for women! Unfortunately, they are lacking in many diets AND are water soluble – which means a daily supply is needed. If in doubt, a good B vitamin supplement can plug the gaps.
Calcium balance in the body is key to a healthy life. We cannot talk about the skeletal system and human bones and not talk about calcium, perhaps the most important and crucial mineral of them all in this entire equation. Humans derive most of their requirements for calcium from dairy products, from some sources of both vegetables and meat. Calcium is the essential basic building block of bones and is used extensively in both the formation and maintenance of bones. For people with a calcium deficiency, diseases like rickets and osteoporosis and other issues with the skeletal system might arise. Supplements for calcium are routinely used by pregnant women and in cases where other source might not be available.
Diets high in dairy and processed foods are thought to be linked to low magnesium levels. As well as the importance of this mineral in bone health, magnesium also plays a key role in muscle and nerve function.

L’Amie de la Sante: Bringing you the Best Supplements!
Modern medicine has had its fair share of issues, and if you are the type of person to prefer organic and natural solutions to bodily issues, L’Amie de la sante is the perfect place to begin your shopping for n essential supplement for bone health. From supplements and minerals, to probiotics and essential oils and everything about homeopathy, L’Amie de la sante has quality products that are made in Canada and are the best and most organic solution to any problem you might have. They are also safe and suitable for usage: having passed rigorous clinical trials and with approval from Health Canada, its time to stop relying on harmful chemicals and instead allow natural, organic compounds to heal your body.